11 research outputs found

    Optimizaci贸n del proceso de retenci贸n del call center corporativo de Nextel del Per煤

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    Las empresas de hoy en d铆a, enfocan gran cantidad de sus recursos y esfuerzos en tratar de satisfacer las necesidades y deseos de sus clientes. El atraer nuevos clientes, involucra por lo general, un mayor esfuerzo, tanto en planeamiento y ejecuci贸n como en utilizaci贸n -de recursos. El utilizar estos recursos escasos de manera eficiente, requiere como pilar central, el identificar y valorar los clientes, tanto los actuales como los potenciales. El valor de un cliente, en relaci贸n con otros clientes, permite a la empresa priorizar esfuerzos y dedicar m谩s recursos para conseguir que los clientes m谩s valiosos sigan siendo leales permitiendo que fruto de esa relaci贸n empresa-cliente, la empresa crezca y aumente su valor. Satisfacer las expectativas del cliente, es la base para establecer una buena relaci贸n y ganarse su lealtad.Tesi

    The after-hours circadian mutant has reduced phenotypic plasticity in behaviors at multiple timescales and in sleep homeostasis

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    Circadian clock is known to adapt to environmental changes and can significantly influence cognitive and physiological functions. In this work, we report specific behavioral, cognitive, and sleep homeostatic defects in the after hours (Afh) circadian mouse mutant, which is characterized by lengthened circadian period. We found that the circadian timing irregularities in Afh mice resulted in higher interval timing uncertainty and suboptimal decisions due to incapability of processing probabilities. Our phenotypic observations further suggested that Afh mutants failed to exhibit the necessary phenotypic plasticity for adapting to temporal changes at multiple time scales (seconds-to- minutes to circadian). These behavioral effects of Afh mutation were complemented by the specific disruption of the Per/Cry circadian regulatory complex in brain regions that govern food anticipatory behaviors, sleep, and timing. We derive statistical predictions, which indicate that circadian clock and sleep are complementary processes in controlling behavioral/cognitive performance during 24 hrs. The results of this study have pivotal implications for understanding how the circadian clock modulates sleep and behavior

    A Metabologenomic approach reveals alterations in the gut microbiota of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    The key role played by host-microbiota interactions on human health, disease onset and progression, and on host response to treatments has increasingly emerged in the latest decades. Indeed, dysbiosis has been associated to several human diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and also neurodegenerative disease, such as Parkinson, Huntington and Alzheimer's disease (AD), although whether causative, consequence or merely an epiphenomenon is still under investigation. In the present study, we performed a metabologenomic analysis of stool samples from a mouse model of AD, the 3xTgAD. We found a significant change in the microbiota of AD mice compared to WT, with a longitudinal divergence of the F/B ratio, a parameter suggesting a gut dysbiosis. Moreover, AD mice showed a significant decrease of some amino acids, while data integration revealed a dysregulated production of desaminotyrosine (DAT) and dihydro-3-coumaric acid. Collectively, our data show a dysregulated gut microbiota associated to the onset and progression of AD, also indicating that a dysbiosis can occur prior to significant clinical signs, evidenced by early SCFA alterations, compatible with gut inflammation